Articles on: Get started
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How does the crème de la crème work?

crème de la crème is based on a strong and easy-to-use concept. Connecting expert freelancers with companies (large groups) who have outsourcing needs or who lack internal resources.

How to access missions?

The missions are sent to you directly by our team by e-mail, slack, or phone. They're sent to you according to different criteria:


After receiving this mission, you can apply directly from this notification. Please note that your application is addressed to crème de la crème.

How can I track my application?

You can follow your application from your freelance dashboard. If your application is accepted, you'll be contacted directly by our Business Managers to schedule a physical meeting with the client. If not, you'll be notified by email that your application has not been retained.

Our business managers will accompany you throughout the negotiation phase (ADR). We'll send you a mission order if the client accepts your profile. Once received, you can start the mission (in agreement with the client on the starting date).

Invoicing & payment

To make the payment process easier, we work with a CRA (activity report): Which summarizes the number of days worked in the month. It's available on your freelance dashboard after the 20th of each month (reminder emails are sent to you every month)

Updated on: 18/01/2023

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